April Showers Bring May Flowers…and Allergies
General good housekeeping, and maintenance of heating and air conditioning equipment, are very important to improving your indoor air quality. Adequate ventilation and good air distribution also help. Learn more about the allergens that can impact your health. Pollen: Pollen is common outdoors but can also make its way inside the home. During spring […]
Celebrate Earth Day
Earth is home to more than six billion humans and countless animals and plants. Earth Day is an annual event held across the world to raise awareness of environmental changes and inform every person what they can do to help the cause. Here are a few things you can do to make a difference […]
Spring has Sprung: Time for a Few Chores!
It’s official – even though it may not feel like it outside, spring has arrived. Now is the time to tackle some of the “projects” that old winter may have left behind. Clean the Gutters – Check to make sure your gutters are still attached properly and are hole free. Gutters are an integral piece […]

Seeing Green this St. Patrick’s Day?
Spring is in bloom! Green grass, green trees, maybe even a green beverage on St Patrick’s Day! But what are you doing to keep more green in your pocket? Americans are missing out on millions of dollars simply by NOT doing some routine maintenance or upgrades to their homes and home appliances. What can […]

We are all so quick to forget…
We’ve all done it. We forget the small things that can become a big problem. Remember the last time you forgot to set your alarm? Or even worse…. the night you forgot to charge your phone. As tragic as these forgetful days seem, they are not life changing. A few of the easy to forget […]

All Light Bulbs are Not Created Equal
Have you gone light bulb shopping lately? Fluorescent, incandescent, halogen and tungsten – oh my! Remember when all you needed to know was 60 watt or 100 watt? Every type of light bulb has its own pros and cons and optimal usage spot. Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL): CFLs use roughly 1/4 as much […]

Is Your Home Making YOU Sick?
We all jump to the conclusion that whatever is making us sick this winter is coming from airborne contaminants – something we “picked-up” off the shopping cart handle, the restaurant doorknob, or even that random stranger’s sneeze. But unfortunately, it turns out that there are plenty of little things to worry about when it comes […]
3 Tips to Uncover Your Customers’ Comfort Pain
Written By: Brendan Reid Discovering what homeowners don’t like about their homes’ comfort is essential. You can use this pain to create trust & rapport. Then, you can create a custom solution that differentiates you from the other guys and increases revenue. Probably the worst way to ask is the way I hear used most […]

Breathe Easy While Staying Cozy!
A functioning furnace is key to keeping your family warm and comfortable this winter. But don’t assume just because your furnace is running ok that your indoor air quality (IAQ) is satisfactory. IAQ is especially important in the winter months when we find ourselves spending more time indoors. To make sure your indoor air […]

It’s National Heart Month – How about Your Home’s Heart?
Like a heart, your furnace is responsible for keeping everything moving. Winter, summer, spring or fall, the furnace is pushing air through your ducts. Your heart moves blood through your kidneys to remove impurities. Your furnace does the same thing by moving air through your home filtration system. As long as your filter isn’t clogged, […]