Consider these tips before purchasing a new AC
During the hot summer months it’s typical to experience greater humidity and heat in your home. Before replacing or repairing your air conditioning unit consider these tips. You will want to do some homework before buying equipment. First, choosing the right service company to do the installation is very important. Going with the cheapest price may […]
The Good and Bad of Recessed Can Lighting
Today many homes have a lighting fixture called a recessed can light. While these are a great accessory in a home and are often used to purpose light into an area without being seen, they can also add to your indoor air quality issues. Originally developed in the 1930’s these lights were used sparingly and […]
Back to School
As our kids head back to school, it’s important to keep them healthy. We feed them a hearty breakfast, pack a healthy lunch, do homework and get them in bed by 9:00 pm, so we can do the same routine tomorrow. We love to see our kids smiling faces and we keep our fingers crossed […]

3 Tips For Cleaner Indoor Air
The Environmental Protection Agency says most of us spend over 90% of the time indoors, and that the indoor air is usually over 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. Respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma plague many families.Their suffering is often made worse by the air in their home. While many issues like poisonous carbon monoxide gas are undetectable […]
Control Your Home’s AC From Anywhere
The thermostat on your wall is the most visible part of your home’s comfort system – and also offers the easiest way to cut energy costs. If you adjust the setting whenever you don’t need your home to be as warm in winter or cool in summer, you will save real money on your utility bills. How much? […]

Too Hot? Too Cold?
Now that summer is here, does your AC seem to run non-stop? Do you have rooms or entire floors that are uncomfortably hot? Does the house seem clammy and uncomfortable even though the AC is on? The cause may be your duct system. The Department Of Energy states that the typical duct system loses an […]
Tips for Beating the Summer Heat
Summertime humidity in many parts of the country can be unbearable. Being able to retreat to your air conditioned home is the one place that you get comfortable. But what if your home feels clammy? And it is not comfortable? There are a couple of easy things you can do to find relief: […]
Reduce Dust and Breathe Easier
It’s a common complaint. Just a few days after a thorough house cleaning, that unsightly dust is back, settling on every surface in your house. Dust can also contribute to respiratory allergy suffering. What’s the answer? A good deal of the dust in our homes comes from internal sources such as skin flakes, fabric […]

Homeowners Can Save Money with a Home and Duct Performance Test
July 31 2015 by Brendan Reid Homeowners Can Save Money with a Home and Duct Performance Test We are now in the midst of the hot and humid summer weather. Has your utility bill to run the air conditioner last month shown up in the mail yet? If it is out of line, and you […]
How Well Do You Know Your Home?
The average suburban family home has become a much more complicated and sophisticated system than ever before! Long gone are the days of wood-burning stoves and cracking a window open to feel the cool summer breeze. Today’s home commonly has forced-air ductwork, higher efficiency HVAC systems, geothermal systems, and electronic control systems. Many of these […]