Your HVAC unit has been wrecked by a storm. Now what?

Every region of the country has either floods, blizzards, rainstorms, hailstorms or worse. If your unit is damaged during one of aforementioned; there are important steps that should be followed. You can also protect your unit before the storm. Here are some ways to protect your unit and what to do once damage occurs.

Prep your HVAC Unit

  1. Covering

It’s highly recommended to lay a cover over the unit to protect it from debris if there is a storm in the forecast. High winds could cause leaves, dirt, debris, hail, rocks, branches, snow build-up and more to impact the unit. Having protection will limit the risk of damage. Covers and guards are helpful choices (They can typically be purchased via your local HVAC contractor). Without protection, things such as branches can impact the coil and air flow. After covering, if your HVAC unit isn’t securely mounted, sandbags can be used as anchors.

  1. Power Outage Prep

Unplug your HVAC unit. This is the safest option if you’re expecting a thunderstorm that could cause power outages. If your unit is struck by lightning, you’re in danger of a fire. If you didn’t get a chance to unplug it before the storm use your best judgment. Do not go near the unit if it’s underwater.

  1. Cleaning out the HVAC area

If your unit is not in an isolated area, you need to clear the surrounding area of anything that can be blown into the unit. Lawn chairs, tables, umbrellas, yard decor and anything near it.

  1. Inspecting the HVAC Unit Afterwards

If you unplugged your HVAC unit and there is damage, be sure to call your local HVAC contractor before plugging it back in. This is not only for the HVAC unit’s protection, but your own safety as well. If you see that the unit is underwater, contact an HVAC specialist immediately. If you see your HVAC unit is safe to restart after inspecting it, make sure you remember to remove the protective cover.

Repairing & Fixing A Damaged HVAC Unit

  1. Don’t

Unless you happen to be a HVAC contractor, there is no upside in fiddling with your HVAC unit. Call a professional. It will keep to safe, not allow additional damage to the unit, and will save you money in the long run.



Check into your insurance resources. Many areas that are disposed to flooding, storms, and natural disasters have additional options when it comes to assistance. Make sure to investigate what’s available to you and contact your local HVAC contractor.