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Tyron Miles


Essay on unemployment


It may be difficult to respond to the essay questions for college applications.



You need to be extremely careful when writing an essay that is meant to demonstrate your opinions, knowledge, and general aptitude. Well, since you are attempting something completely new, this is easier said than done. You are submitting an application to a college, and as part of that process, you are required to provide your opinions on a challenging and complicated issue. When a situation arises that College admissions essay question,


Prior to responding, you should read it as thoroughly as you can.


Application instructions


Here are some suggestions for how our essay writing service can assist you. Most Prompts for the college application essay


Are in the form of inquiries that call for you to articulate a viewpoint and provide sufficient evidence to back it up. Avoid falling for a website that offers to sell you an essay without letting you know more about the writers. Contact us instead, and we can explain everything to you about the custom essay or custom dissertation that you require. You can get assistance with college application questions from authors with experience. So when you have a difficult one to handle, don’t worry; simply call us.


A few illustrations of college prompts


Our goal is to always give you the appropriate ideas so that you can improve the quality of your writing. These samples may be able to offer you a good notion of what to anticipate if you can go through them. Here are a few to get you started; let us know if you need any more guidance on how to handle a challenging situation.


College admissions essay question:


1. Please describe in detail any independent work you have done that is entirely non-academic, taking care to maintain a logical flow.


2. You can choose a book or movie that has had a significant impact on you. Instead of describing the book or movie, talk about how it affected you.


3. You probably know quite a few people who have given you advice on a variety of topics at your age. Specify one piece of advice that has remained with you to this day.


Is there a single word that would best characterise you? 4/- Is it one that your friends frequently employ? Write in depth on whether or not and how it is justifiable.


Do you think the area where you grew up has an impact on who you are? If yes, describe how your neighbourhood has influenced your character.


Which historical event would you most like to witness if you could go back in time and be a “fly on the wall”? Why?


Can you name one technical advancement that has significantly improved the lives of those around you? Give justifications for your choice.


These are only a few of Prompts for the college application essay


That could hit you in the face when you are trying to enroll in a prestigious college. Please tell us about the problems you have writing and we can change things for you any time, any day.


College application essay prompt


Know more about essay lengths; talk to our writing experts right away


When you are trying your best to complete your assignment, there is no way you will be in a good mood. At this juncture, are you going to be worried about


Essay length?


Well, you better be; as this is one of the most vital points that teachers keep a look out for. They are keen on knowing whether your writing is too long or too short. Either way, you are in trouble. You need to make sure that the essays are good and possess the right length; otherwise, you are bound to lose your marks and then your grades.


Short essay







If you are asked to write a short essay that focuses on a specific issue that is far from being complicated, you don’t have to worry too much. All you have to do is write a page or two. The point is that the writing needs to have a well formed intro, a body which concentrates on all the main points and then the conclusion. If you have all this in place, it means that your short essay is good.


Long essay


This is one that usually runs into a minimum of thousand words – this is slightly less than four pages. A page generally contains about 275 words. Therefore, when you have a lot of details to incorporate, the


Essay lengths


That you are worried about could be a real pain. On the one hand, you have to ensure that it is not boring and on the other, you need to know how long the whole essay should be. Call us for help.


When and how we can step in


It is important for you to know where and how our paper writing service can contribute to your success. Please go through these points that are briefly listed below; you are sure to feel glad that you are in safe hands –


1/- Finding a topic is not a problem for us; all you need to do is tell us more about your academic level and discipline of study. This will help us make a more comprehensive and useful list of topics.


2/- If you are looking for help regarding the format of an essay;


Essay length


Or any other important aspect of essay writing, you can turn to us. You are sure to find the help useful and relevant.


3/- Providing the right kind of content and info to make up pages that are meaningful – this is one more area where our experts excel


4/- If you have citation problems, we are the right people to set things right. Let us imagine you need an APA essay or PhD dissertation; we can do it just as well as anything else. So please let us know.


5/- At the end of it all, we can give your writing the right shape, appearance and style – this is what our proofreading and editing experts do.


Now you know that our services are not limited to guidance on


Essay lengths


Or small issues. We can tell you a lot on how to present a good piece of writing. So call us when you need the help.


Official resource


Can someone write my essay for me? it is a common question asked by the students who are engaged and have limited time to write their assignments. We are your answer, readily available to help and get your academic essays and assignments done.



Tyron Miles


active 2 years, 6 months ago