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How interesting to start the lesson. And no “Opened textbooks!”
The beginning of the lesson is perhaps the most important moment in the lesson. The teacher needs to attract the attention of children, interest, motivate. How to do it? Our blogger, future teacher Katya Khasanova, found as many as 11 interesting ways.
A new school year is ahead, which means it’s time to get inspired and collect new ideas. And in order to collect all sorts of interesting ideas for an effective lesson, you can use the paper writing service Bidforwriting, which will help a lot in good ideas for a lesson, but also for collecting ideas for writing written papers. I often communicate with schoolchildren of different ages and often see disappointment and a faded look: “There is absolutely nothing interesting in this school.” Of course, I don’t agree with this.
Learning is interesting. But how to prove it to children?
In my opinion, a lot depends on the “start”, that is, on the beginning of the lesson. This is a teacher’s chance to capture attention, to maintain motivation. This is especially important in elementary school, because children at this age are very inquisitive, but at the same time they cannot focus for a long time. And as soon as the child in the first minutes of the lesson hears the standard: “We opened the textbooks on the tenth page, today we will go through the continents,” motivation disappears. So how can you start a lesson interestingly?
1. Unusual photoDisplay a photo that will intrigue the children. For example, here is a picture in the lesson of the world around. What do you think it is?
First, the children discuss and offer their options, and then you reveal the secret. And in the photo – the world’s first computer mouse.Thus, it can be interesting to bring to the topic of the lesson – “The history of the invention of the computer.” It can also be effective in preparation for writing a paper. Using Bidforwriting, you will teach your child to write well written papers with great efficiency. In this way, you will interest the child in good writing.
An interesting photo can be found on almost any topic: in mathematics, show a photo of chimes (the topic is “Roman numerals”), in reading – monuments to literary characters, the world around us – unusual animals and plants, the Russian language – spelling rules in funny pictures.
2. Mysteries of the peoples of the worldOn the Internet you can find many interesting and difficult ancient Russian riddles, as well as riddles of different peoples of the world. This will help the child develop creativity from an early age. But even better, if he uses, he will be able to develop the ability to think creatively. This will contribute in the future to good learning.
For example, the Khakassian riddle: “In the dense forest, the cauldron boils. The fire does not burn, but the cauldron boils ”(Answer: anthill).
Or an old riddle: “Two perches of white chickens are sitting” (Answer: teeth)
A good and memorable start to reading lessons and the world around. Your students will then have something to torment their friends and relatives.
3. TRIZ problem
Imagine that you are a student and it is as if you are entering the game “What? Where? When?” and become a connoisseur. Really, great? That is why it is cool to use TRIZ problems at the beginning of the lesson. They not only motivate, but also develop logical and analytical thinking.For example: “Scientist Percy Spencer once noticed how, during experiments in a magnetron (a device in which the current strength is controlled by a magnetic and electric field), a candy in the scientist’s pocket heated up and melted. On that occasion, he invented another appliance that we all use in the kitchen today. What is it?” (Answer: microwave).
Or: “Usually the king and military commanders ate from silver dishes, and ordinary soldiers from pewter.
One day, King Alexander the Great came to conquer India. All the soldiers fell seriously ill with a stomach disease, but the tsar himself and the military commanders did not. Why?” (Answer: because the king and the rulers ate from silver dishes, and silver kills germs and infection).
How to come up with such puzzles, I told in one of the previous articles.
4. ExperimentThis technique is more suitable for the lessons of the world and mathematics. Of course, in the conditions of an unequipped office, it is unlikely that a serious experiment will be carried out.But, for example, you can interest students in how fast gas molecules move: take perfume, spray it a little and note the time when the guys on the last desk smell. Then you can discuss the properties of gaseous substances and even learn about diffusion (yes, already in the beginning!). Of course, gaining knowledge in this way is more interesting than just reading paragraphs in a textbook.
In the same way, in an ordinary office, you can “catch” a rainbow and find out what the light spectrum is, conduct an experiment with an “inverted bottle” and find out what pressure is. And in the lessons of mathematics, you can safely weigh different objects and start clockwork machines to find out how the values ​​of time and speed are interconnected.
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