Big Green Trees = Big Green Pockets

Tired of cranking up the thermostat to conquer those drafty winter nights?


It seems crazy to think that those harsh winter winds are punishing your siding, roof, and bank account, but they are.  The more open your home is to the north by northwest winds, the more likely it is your winter utility bills are inflated. Give your heating system a rest this winter by building a shield this summer.


Plant dense defense evergreen trees and shrubs on the northwest side of your home to block those nasty winter winds. This is best done with the assistance of a packed earth berm. You will see these built between suburbs and noisy roadways. (Added benefit: this will also reduce noise). This is a sure-fire way to warm up those cold winter nights.


What are the summer benefits of trees?

With the combination of an attic retrofit and the shade of some nice trees, you can see a significate decrease in your summer cooling bills. Shade trees can drop the surrounding temperatures are much as 6 degrees! Imagine the impact on your thermostat and the comfort in your home. You’ll notice the comfort in the upstairs portion of your home is much easier to maintain after the addition of shade trees.


Trees can be expensive. So, we must be smart about planting. Not only do our trees need to serve a purpose, but they also need to add to our overall curb appeal of our homes. When buying trees, look for rapid growth trees instead of buying mature trees.  Make sure evergreens and shrubs are planted northwest of your home and shade trees are large enough to do the job.